Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Alien Species

There have been many species of plants or animals that have been introduced into our ecosystem that have lead to problems and wreaked a havoc on our ecosystem. There are many that could be listed and here are three examples of species that were introduced into our ecosystem.

1. purple loosestrife, introduced from Europe in the early 1800s as a garden ornamental plant, it has invaded wetlands throughout eastern North America, edging out many native species. Wetlands are the most biologically diverse part of our ecosystem. When the species was introduced it would choke out the habitat in the wet lands and in fact effecting many other species along the way. There are actually three provinces that ban the sale of purple loosestrife and the rest of Canada still allows it to be sold.

2. A huge threat to the St Laurence river is Zebra Muscles. They have already infested some of the great lakes. The most striking characteristics of the zebra mussel are its tendency to congregate by the tens, even hundreds, of thousands per square metre. Tagged with a reputation as a nuisance species, the zebra mussel is a cause for concern because the problems it creates are serious. It blocks conduits (water intakes, pipelines, tunnels), corrodes ship hulls, covers wrecks, causes loss of habitat, and changes the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Unfortunately, solutions to these problems are few and not very effective. Since the river is not the best environment for zebra muscles, it can be assumed that the zebra mussel will not thrive in the St. Lawrence to the extent that it has in the Great Lakes.

3. There has been a species that has been introduced into a secluded ecosystem that is very near us in our oak wood savanna. Pine trees were introduce some years ago and they began to reek havoc with the ecosystem. There are now plans to cut these trees down., When one of our classes took a field trip to the Pinnery we cut some of theses pine trees down to control the population.

In the end people say why make the effort. Well there are many reasons to make the effort. If we do not it will eventually destroy our ecosystem or cause disease and many other things that can weaken an ecosystem.


According to the report Canada is participating in a Sustainable Forest management practice. SFM plans are about finding a balance among all the different uses of the forest. The idea is to have continue so a forest can function ecological as so it benefits to all living thing . this may sound very simple on paper, there has been many years of research and analysis of our forest. There are numerous institutions that regulate the SFM.
In the article it explains how Canada has nearly 300 million hectares of forest and 92 million hectares of wooded land. Canada accounts for 30% of the Boreal forest in the world and yet we are still in my opinion over harvesting the lumber and forest for other wood products.

For the current (2003-2008) Nation forest strategy is to have
-ecosystem-based management;
-sustainable forest communities;
-rights and participation of Aboriginal peoples;
-forest product benefits;
-knowledge and innovation for competitiveness and sustainability;
-the urban forest and public engagement in sustainability;
-private woodlots’ contribution to sustainability; and
reporting and accountability.
All though this sounds like a lot these themes are only going to lead to sustainable forest management. In my opinion something that will lead to the solution is only a start and Canada requires something more then this. I think that we need more strict rules that will not only lead to sustainable forest management but solve the problems that exist.
It can be seen in some areas where there are SFM management plans in place across the countries across the country, but there are many places where these practices have been ignored and irreversible damage has been done. In a sense we did not take awareness soon enough and therefor caused a lot of damage in some areas. In the end if we do not begin to enforce it among people to manage or forest so as we will be able to have a forest in the future that can still support life and provide an economy for our society.

Genetically Modified Foods

In my opinion genetically modified foods should not have to be labeled. It is pretty much know that if the crops are not genetically modified, they will be susceptible to lower yields, crop damage due to insects and diseases. I don't think that people should be complaining the way they are because with out these crops there would be less food available and the food available would be of poorer quality. In fact with out these crops you would end up paying more because the supply could become less then the demand. Which is the way it is know so we would be in a bad situation. In my opinion if we have the technology to modify these crops and plants that it should not matter to society if in the end it is going to help us survive. If you are a person that does not want to eat the food that is provided then you should go out and do your own research to find out whether it is modified or not. if you were to look in a store you would find that most of the products in the store have been modified in some way.

1. If the plants that are genetically modified can have an increase in the amount of nutrients. Sometimes called ‘nutritional enhancement’, is now at an advanced stage. Researchers are especially looking at major health problems like iron and vitamin A deficiency. The removal of the protein in peanuts that causes allergies in some people is also being researched, which would save many people.

2. Some believe that the benefits of genetically modified foods, greatly out weigh the risk of them. Like, starvation and diseases caused by some foods. The crops of animals can be much healthier and have much higher yields then previous unmodified foods.

3. Gm crops are amongst the most researched thing in history, they undergo rigorous science based testing. The scientist who test these crops and animals that are being modified are experts in there field and must have some idea what is going on.

4. Farmers actually prefer to farm this way. there are over 8.25 million farmers in the world, 90% farm in developing countries and most chose to plant with biotechnology

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ways of Reducing GHG's

There are numerous ways to reduce ghg's and here are a few ways to reduce them:

1. Drive Smart-about 50% of ghg's come from vehicle use. Ways to reduce ghg's when driving are to keep your car tuned. his could be one of the best ways. Another way to reduce ghg's when driving are to avoid accelerating fast. This causes a decrease in gas efficiency.

2. If you unplug all devices that are not in use could reduce emissions by up to 10%

3. A huge way to reduce energy is to use cfl's, compact fluorescent lights rude emissions up to 60% compared older light bulbs that are highly inefficient and the cfl's also last up to 10 years.

4. If you were to turn the thermostat up 2 degrees in the summer you would save at least reduce emissions by one ton.

5. Using products with less packaging is another great way to reduce ghg's

6. Think be for you fly because airplanes you large amounts of fuel and therefor traveling loser to home would reduce a large amount of ghg's

7. Use public transportation

8. Don't leave water running or lights on when leaving a room.

9. Buying more fuel efficient vehicles

10. Recycle waste that is able to be recycled

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ecological Footprint

When I took the ecological footprint test, I required about 4 earths to accommodate everyone if they were to live the same way that I'm currently living. I thought that this was a huge number considering how I live. Our family recycles what ever we can, we try not to have many meals that are processed or things in that manner. We always try to turn off lights when we leave the room. I thought to myself it still take this many for everyone to live like me. I then began to hear what a few other peoples results and was hearing results in the five and sixes. It make me really begin to think how much we actually waste as a society and it is pretty sad that we have to waste so much, and when we can conserve our resources we hardly put an effort in to do so. In my opinion one of our biggest problems as a society is that we do not utilize our resources to their greatest potential.
There are many easy ways that we can conserve and utilize the resources that we have.
Things like
- Preparing more meals instead of using a microwave to cook every thing. Using things that are not processed and full of unhealthy things anyways.
-When we use transportation we have to stop driving around in a vehicle with no passengers when possible. Don't make trips that are really unnecessary
-Recycle anything that is recyclable
-Compost all excess food products
-Don't leave the water running when you brush your teeth four example
-Walk, Bike or use public transit if possible
-Turn off lights after leaving a room
-Turn Your Air Conditioner down a couple of degrees

Friday, May 25, 2007

Carbon Tax: Good or Bad

In recent news there has been a lot of talk about carbon tax for Canadians. This tax would bee added onto things that produce carbon into our atmosphere and cause global warming. In my opinion this tax is good and bad. There are many benefits and disadvantages to the carbon tax. First off this would give incentives to engineers to produce and engineer products that don’t require or require very little energy to build some products that require a lot of energy to build. Most of this energy come from fuel sources or energy sources that produce carbon. Another big area of concern is the energy source itself. It will cause an increase demand for fuels that are bio fuels. These are fuels that are produce from things like corn, beans and other very crop that can produce these bio fuels. Also it will make a demand for super fuel efficient vehicles.
However with all these great things that come out of he carbon tax comes the other side of it which seems like it out ways all the incentives of the carbon tax. First of this carbon tax is just another tax that Canadians citizens have to pay, which it is very evident that people are not a fan of taxes in the first place. I is very evident to see what you would be paying the taxes on, things like vehicles, fuels, and you would be able to think of a few other things that produce carbon. When you really think hard about things that produce carbon, it is pretty much possible to say that almost every thing uses things that produce carbon to make them. From the raw materials, that use equipment to extract them produce carbon. To many machining and manufacturing techniques that not only release carbon but many other greenhouse gases.
With a carbon tax you can’t really just isolate carbon, even though it is the released into the atmosphere in the highest amounts. You have to consider other green house gases because trying to reduce one could increase others. You can also not eliminate the problem by just reducing one of the main green house gas, because some of the other can have a very damaging effect on the atmosphere towards global warming.
Therefor in my opinion the idea of the carbon tax is a great one, however the disadvantages of the carbon tax out weigh the advantages to the Canadian citizen because you would be basically paying extra at the pumps, and for most products that are sold in stores. I think that the carbon tax effects to much of society to have a good effect. For examples two people by a truck that doesn’t get that great of a gas millage rating. One person lives in the city, he other in the country on a farm. Why should the farmer pay the carbon tax when that person would be using the vehicle with a much greater purpose. Then you look at the person in the city and they are using the vehicle just for commuting and it is in the city so it get even worse millage, why then should these two people pay the carbon tax for the same product when one uses it what it is meant for and the other uses it just for commuting. I see the carbon tax as unfair because if you use the carbon tax you would have to apply the same rules to every one, but then the people that use some of these products use it with different purposes. And why should some one therefor be charge the same carbon tax if one uses something for work and the other is using it for recreation.
The main reason that I disagree with the carbon tax is that even though people will be paying a tax on carbon it is not going to fix the problem. This can be easily seen with gas prices, it has increase exponentially and people may complain, but they still pay the high prices because they really have no other means of transportation. Therefor if they have to pay another tax on gas they are going to still pay the high prices because it is there only means of transportation. Even thou it may cause some to reduce the way the commute. Most of the people will still pay the high prices . When this happens people are still buying fuel and in the end we will most likely not get a reduction in the amount carbon that is worth our while, we just get another tax and another reason to dislike out government system

Friday, May 4, 2007

January Weather Phenomaly

It would appear that the warmer temperatures in December and the average overall warmer average temperatures around the world would suggest that global warming is the culprit in the temperature anomalies. The main question of global warming is to determine weather it is human caused or a natural phenomena. In my opinion you can’t conclude that the global warming is caused by humans there just is not enough evidence. Even though ice cores from Green land show an all time high in the past 400 000 years and that the temperature are in relation to these higher co2 level a greenhouse gas levels. Although it shows the higher levels of co2 and in relation the higher temperature. This basically means that it could be higher temperatures that cause the increase in the amount of co2 that is accumulated in the atmosphere or if it is actually the increase of co2 that causes the increase in temperature. Other causes for the increase average temperatures have been suggested to be linked to an increase in solar radiation this graph shows the variation in the solar out put over the past thirties years and how it fluctuate up and down, it has even been suggested that it may possibly be long term shift in ocean patterns that are causing the changes in weather patterns.
Although the temperatures of the earth are going up higher and higher year to year. It is actually impossible to predict what is actually going to happen in the future, because these events have not happened yet. So it could therefor be beyond our control and the cycle of excess GHG’s will eventually go back down to levels that they were once at and every thing will be back to normal.
We obviously do have some effect to the changing temperatures on the earth but in my opinion I don't think that it is all human caused, because the amount of ghg's that human cause compared to the amount that is outputted by the natural cycles

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Incentives And Disincentives

1. Scrap it Program
What it is?
- The scrap program applies to people living with in the jurisdiction of British Columbia. It applies to people who own a light truck or car that was manufactured before 1993 and are insured in the lower mainland can trade the vehicles in and get certain incentives for the purchase of certain vehicles. If they were to get rid of there 1993 vintage or older vehicle they can claim $1000 towards a brand new hybrid vehicle, $750 towards a new vehicle that is not hybrid, 500 dollars towards a vehicle that is newer then 1998 vintage, $750 towards the purchase of an electric bicycle or 50% of the purchase of a bicycle valued up to $500. There are also other incentives that involve passes for bus transit and sharing vehicles.
-the thing that is particularly appealing to this incentive is that when you decide to claim the money for your older and used vehicles that it applies to a wide range of choices that you are able to choose from. It also allows to make the purchase of a used vehicle that is a certain year and this is even more appealing because people will generally look at used vehicles because not every is able to afford a new vehicle. In the end all though it is not a large amount of money it is still better then nothing which is what gives the incentive to purchase a newer and more efficient vehicle
Information Retrieved From:
2. Thunder Bay ENERGY STAR® Appliance Rebate Program
What is It?
- The thunder Bay energy star appliance rebate programs hands out rebates for the purchase of new energy star appliances, such as cloth washers, dish washers, refrigerators. The idea is purchase newer and more efficient appliance and for that you could receive a rebate upwards of $85. The more efficient something is that you purchase the chance of a higher rebate exist.
All tough they are making the promotion for newer and more efficient appliances, you are still having to throw the old appliances out. Unless they have a program where you take in your old appliances to be recycled this program in it self is not the greatest. Although you will save money on hydro and water bill, people could be possibly throwing out appliances that are slightly inefficient just so they can get the rebate for new appliances. All though I the long run this will save energy cos which is important, but the most appealing thing is that people have the ability to buy new appliances which are a lot more energy efficient and people are able to save money on it. However when people buy these new appliances they don’t realize that the new appliances are built cheaper and are only designed to last a certain number of years, whereas the older appliances, all though slightly inefficient were built to last. So where as you buy the more efficient appliance you still end up wasting money on a new one in 5-6 years which will probably never change.
Information Retrieved from:
3. BC Hydro Windows Rebate Program
What is It?
-BC Hydro provides a rebate of $1 for every square foot of energy star qualified windows installed by homeowners who are replacing windows and building new homes. Single family homes, duplexes, townhouses and apartments in BC Hydro’s service area are qualified for the rebate. The windows must be purchased and installed between September 15, 2005 and February 28, 2007.
The advantages to this rebate are that any new houses that are being built have the opportunities to use these windows and basically get money to help build the new house. Also for any person who is replacing windows they get money for the windows. So in turn they save a dollar per square on windows and you also save money for heating cost so in the long run you save quite a bit of money because the windows are very efficient.
4. Car Heaven Ontario
What is it?
-People who donate a car of 1995 vintage or older vehicle that is currently on the road will receive a $1,000 certificate towards the purchase of a new General Motors or Saturn/Saab vehicle, or a charitable receipt for a minimum of $60. The car will also be towed away free of charge (valued at $200). Cars and their parts are disposed of in an environmentally manner. Car Heaven covers most areas in Ontario, but cannot handle requests in some small communities. Participants should call to check whether the program is available in their area.
The advantages of this program is that for any vehicle that you are thinking of getting rid of this program gives you the opportunity to get money for an old Junker that is still running and on the road but are unable to sell for an amount that is worth anything. You will then recieve money for the purchase of a newer and more efficient vehicle that will in the end save you more money in gas cost and definitely save you money in repair cost.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

First Post

There are many reasons why I chose to take this course. For one it was a course that I needed to help towards my secondary diploma. Other reasons were that I have a strong interest in our environment and the never ending debates about the damages we are doing to are planet, and the many things that we have already done to our fragile place we call earth. I also chose this course because I want to learn what has to be done for us to help reduce pollution and make earth a better place for future generation so they will not suffer any thing worse then we have already faced, like the scorching summers, or the dreary winter months of this past December. Those are just a few concerns I have for the environment, and just a short list of what i hope to get out of this course.