Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Genetically Modified Foods

In my opinion genetically modified foods should not have to be labeled. It is pretty much know that if the crops are not genetically modified, they will be susceptible to lower yields, crop damage due to insects and diseases. I don't think that people should be complaining the way they are because with out these crops there would be less food available and the food available would be of poorer quality. In fact with out these crops you would end up paying more because the supply could become less then the demand. Which is the way it is know so we would be in a bad situation. In my opinion if we have the technology to modify these crops and plants that it should not matter to society if in the end it is going to help us survive. If you are a person that does not want to eat the food that is provided then you should go out and do your own research to find out whether it is modified or not. if you were to look in a store you would find that most of the products in the store have been modified in some way.

1. If the plants that are genetically modified can have an increase in the amount of nutrients. Sometimes called ‘nutritional enhancement’, is now at an advanced stage. Researchers are especially looking at major health problems like iron and vitamin A deficiency. The removal of the protein in peanuts that causes allergies in some people is also being researched, which would save many people.

2. Some believe that the benefits of genetically modified foods, greatly out weigh the risk of them. Like, starvation and diseases caused by some foods. The crops of animals can be much healthier and have much higher yields then previous unmodified foods.

3. Gm crops are amongst the most researched thing in history, they undergo rigorous science based testing. The scientist who test these crops and animals that are being modified are experts in there field and must have some idea what is going on.

4. Farmers actually prefer to farm this way. there are over 8.25 million farmers in the world, 90% farm in developing countries and most chose to plant with biotechnology

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