Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ecological Footprint

When I took the ecological footprint test, I required about 4 earths to accommodate everyone if they were to live the same way that I'm currently living. I thought that this was a huge number considering how I live. Our family recycles what ever we can, we try not to have many meals that are processed or things in that manner. We always try to turn off lights when we leave the room. I thought to myself it still take this many for everyone to live like me. I then began to hear what a few other peoples results and was hearing results in the five and sixes. It make me really begin to think how much we actually waste as a society and it is pretty sad that we have to waste so much, and when we can conserve our resources we hardly put an effort in to do so. In my opinion one of our biggest problems as a society is that we do not utilize our resources to their greatest potential.
There are many easy ways that we can conserve and utilize the resources that we have.
Things like
- Preparing more meals instead of using a microwave to cook every thing. Using things that are not processed and full of unhealthy things anyways.
-When we use transportation we have to stop driving around in a vehicle with no passengers when possible. Don't make trips that are really unnecessary
-Recycle anything that is recyclable
-Compost all excess food products
-Don't leave the water running when you brush your teeth four example
-Walk, Bike or use public transit if possible
-Turn off lights after leaving a room
-Turn Your Air Conditioner down a couple of degrees

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