Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ways of Reducing GHG's

There are numerous ways to reduce ghg's and here are a few ways to reduce them:

1. Drive Smart-about 50% of ghg's come from vehicle use. Ways to reduce ghg's when driving are to keep your car tuned. his could be one of the best ways. Another way to reduce ghg's when driving are to avoid accelerating fast. This causes a decrease in gas efficiency.

2. If you unplug all devices that are not in use could reduce emissions by up to 10%

3. A huge way to reduce energy is to use cfl's, compact fluorescent lights rude emissions up to 60% compared older light bulbs that are highly inefficient and the cfl's also last up to 10 years.

4. If you were to turn the thermostat up 2 degrees in the summer you would save at least reduce emissions by one ton.

5. Using products with less packaging is another great way to reduce ghg's

6. Think be for you fly because airplanes you large amounts of fuel and therefor traveling loser to home would reduce a large amount of ghg's

7. Use public transportation

8. Don't leave water running or lights on when leaving a room.

9. Buying more fuel efficient vehicles

10. Recycle waste that is able to be recycled

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