Wednesday, June 13, 2007


According to the report Canada is participating in a Sustainable Forest management practice. SFM plans are about finding a balance among all the different uses of the forest. The idea is to have continue so a forest can function ecological as so it benefits to all living thing . this may sound very simple on paper, there has been many years of research and analysis of our forest. There are numerous institutions that regulate the SFM.
In the article it explains how Canada has nearly 300 million hectares of forest and 92 million hectares of wooded land. Canada accounts for 30% of the Boreal forest in the world and yet we are still in my opinion over harvesting the lumber and forest for other wood products.

For the current (2003-2008) Nation forest strategy is to have
-ecosystem-based management;
-sustainable forest communities;
-rights and participation of Aboriginal peoples;
-forest product benefits;
-knowledge and innovation for competitiveness and sustainability;
-the urban forest and public engagement in sustainability;
-private woodlots’ contribution to sustainability; and
reporting and accountability.
All though this sounds like a lot these themes are only going to lead to sustainable forest management. In my opinion something that will lead to the solution is only a start and Canada requires something more then this. I think that we need more strict rules that will not only lead to sustainable forest management but solve the problems that exist.
It can be seen in some areas where there are SFM management plans in place across the countries across the country, but there are many places where these practices have been ignored and irreversible damage has been done. In a sense we did not take awareness soon enough and therefor caused a lot of damage in some areas. In the end if we do not begin to enforce it among people to manage or forest so as we will be able to have a forest in the future that can still support life and provide an economy for our society.

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