Friday, May 4, 2007

January Weather Phenomaly

It would appear that the warmer temperatures in December and the average overall warmer average temperatures around the world would suggest that global warming is the culprit in the temperature anomalies. The main question of global warming is to determine weather it is human caused or a natural phenomena. In my opinion you can’t conclude that the global warming is caused by humans there just is not enough evidence. Even though ice cores from Green land show an all time high in the past 400 000 years and that the temperature are in relation to these higher co2 level a greenhouse gas levels. Although it shows the higher levels of co2 and in relation the higher temperature. This basically means that it could be higher temperatures that cause the increase in the amount of co2 that is accumulated in the atmosphere or if it is actually the increase of co2 that causes the increase in temperature. Other causes for the increase average temperatures have been suggested to be linked to an increase in solar radiation this graph shows the variation in the solar out put over the past thirties years and how it fluctuate up and down, it has even been suggested that it may possibly be long term shift in ocean patterns that are causing the changes in weather patterns.
Although the temperatures of the earth are going up higher and higher year to year. It is actually impossible to predict what is actually going to happen in the future, because these events have not happened yet. So it could therefor be beyond our control and the cycle of excess GHG’s will eventually go back down to levels that they were once at and every thing will be back to normal.
We obviously do have some effect to the changing temperatures on the earth but in my opinion I don't think that it is all human caused, because the amount of ghg's that human cause compared to the amount that is outputted by the natural cycles

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